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About Mads Richard

- Building the bridge between your business and the digital workplace


Mads is the founder of Intra2.

Since 2000, he has helped more than 100 companies leverage the potential of their intranet and digital workplaces in a business-critical perspective by focusing on organizational and business strategic challenges and opportunities.

Mads has a Master of Arts in Communication Studies.

See portfolio (In Danish)

Mail: mads@intra2.com
Phone: +45 22 17  95 95
Skype: mads.richard


Digital advisor and coach


The starting point is always the digital challenges specific to your company.
Mads helps building results that give value in a short- and long-term view.

Dialogue and involvement

Creating an effective workplace requires collaboration between many internal stakeholders. 
Mads uses models and tools to create a common understanding, progress, and success.

Overview and real practice insight

Mads has an extensive overview of intranet and digital workplace suppliers and platforms.
Through Intra2 community, he can provide examples of solutions from more than 500 companies.

All the way or on demand

Developing an efficient and business critical intranet cannot be done overnight. Mads can help you throughout the whole process; with research, inspiration, governance, choice of platform and supplier, strategy, development of content and functionality as well as organizational implementation, launch, and evaluation.

Depending on your wishes and needs, Mads can be involved as a permanent process consultant or on an on demand basis. 

Connect with Mads on LinkedIn 

Send a mail to mads@intra2.com - or call: +45 22 17 95 95